Deliverance from Demons Guide

The following is a guide to help people through the process of deliverance. The guide can work on one’s self or in helping other people go through deliverance. The following process is based on the following scriptures (Luke 8:26-39, Mark 9:25, Daniel 10:4-13, Ephesians 6:12, Romans 8:16, ) and experience. Appendix A contains additional helpful information.


Before going through the deliverance process there are 2 areas to address: personal and demonic. In general going through the soul health section will address what is needed for personal things.

Personal: for you and/or the person you are helping with deliverance

  • Any sins that have not been repented of or confessed

  • Any unforgiveness or bitterness towards someone

  • Any secrets


  • Break curses (general)

  • Command the following for demons in Jesus name:

    • No manifesting (throwing up, convulsing, screaming, etc)

    • Stay in their hierarchy

    • No lying

    • Any blocking or deceiving spirits to get out of the way and be silent


A few things to be aware of when going through the deliverance process:

  • You or the person you are helping will “hear” the demons though words or phrases or pictures in their mind or feelings 

  • Demons will likely try to resist the process. Be persistent.

  • You or the person you are helping needs to engage their will and fight

The general procedure is as follows and is all done in Jesus’ name:

  1. Command the leading demon to stand in the light of Christ or to present itself

  2. Command the demon to reveal its name

  3. Command the demon to reveal any “grounds” (legal right) it has to stay. If there are grounds, deal with it by repenting, forgiving, breaking curse or etc. Repeat until there are no grounds. You can always ask the Holy Spirit for insight when needed

  4. Command the demon to reveal if it has a leader and what its name is

  5. Command demon and all demons below it in hierarchy to go where Jesus sends them. 

  6. Ask the Holy Spirit/Jesus to fill yourself or the person with His presence and light

  7. If there is a leader identified in step 4, repeat steps 1-7. If not, take time to pray for yourself or the person you are helping.


After getting deliverance from demons it is good to be aware of the following:

  • That the particular demons from which you were delivered from may try to gain access in your life again. There will be a “space” in your life which was occupied by that demon. You need it to be filled with Jesus and His truth. A great way to be filled with the truth is to meditate on scripture and spend time in God’s presence. For example if someone had a spirit of rejection or an orphan spirit, they need to be filled with the truth that Jesus loves you unconditionally, is not mad at you, accepts you, and will not forsake you! (Matthew 12:43-45, John 8:31-32)

  • You are likely to be tempted again in a particular area. Being tempted does not equal an evil spirit having a foothold in your life. Jesus was tempted, but the devil never had a foothold in His life. He never acted on the temptation, He never sinned so there was no opportunity to get a foothold (Matthew 4:1-11, Hebrews 4:15, 1 John 3:5).