Analogies of a Christians State of Being

Analogies of a Christians State of Being

Prison Analogy

Before becoming a follower of Jesus, we are prisoners of the sinful nature or even the enemy. Locked in a prison with no way to escape on our own. When we have an encounter with Jesus and receive Him as our Savior and King, the prison door becomes unlocked, we are free! The issue is sometimes we think or believe we are still in prison and never leave through the unlocked door. The other issue is sometimes the enemy convinces us to walk back into the prison or we do it on our own when things of this world entice us. We don’t realize that the prison door is never locked again! We can leave because of the finished work of the cross and simply by believing the truth (John 8:31-36, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 1 Peter 2:16-17, Romans 6:18).                      

Clothes & Body Analogy

Before believing in Jesus our state of being can be described as a body that is broken and injured and clothes that are ragged and torn.  After believing we get a new bright shining body with pure white clothes. This is the new life that is in Jesus and the freedom you now have. The problem is sometimes we believe some lies or decide to commit some sin. This results in us putting the ragged and torn clothes (the old self) overtop of our new ones. It can give us the appearance that we are not new or not free. We still are free and just need to take off the ragged clothes by confessing that they are wrong (repentance) (Revelation, Colossians 3:9-10, Ephesians 4:22-24, Romans 6:18, Acts 13:39).  

Demonic Influence

A person's physical body can be viewed as a house. Things can come in and come out of our house. When someone believes in Jesus, Jesus comes and makes His home in them by the Holy Spirit and unities with their spirit. Sometimes people invite other beings into their house, such as sin or demons. When sin and demons are present they cause problems by darkening and wrecking the area of the house they are in. They also manipulate the person in the house. They need to be kicked out. The issue is if Jesus is not living there or He is not invited into the empty space, or that empty space is not filled with the truth, the entity or lie will just come back (Genesis 4:7, Matthew 12:22-44, 21:12-17).